
London cont.

Today was an amazing day. May I say it again...TODAY WAS AN AMAZING DAY!!! Brent, Janna, Kevin and I (Krissy) woke up and exchanged some cash and went and got some coffee and crossaints which were so cheap and so amazing! We then took the tube to the British Museum and walked around in awe for hours. We sat on th e steps and (shout out to Brent Baber) ate our delicious food until we ventured back in to see sights like the Cleopatra and Venus. It was pure love in that museum. after we gave our feet a rest and sat and ate some icecream and snacks in the park and then headed to trafalger sqaure and oxford street where we accidently stumbled across the cutest and best clothes in the world and had to give a few pounds to the cause. after we met janna at the pub by her house, also where she works, and had some drinks with her friends and talked about God and Predestination and Free Will and Prop 8 for hours . it was interesting how willing people here are to talk about religion and politics. it is refreshing and is such a good change from america. we are off to bed now and heading to notting hill and abbey road tomorrow. good night from us all. peace and love, euro team

1 comment:

  1. Krissy,are you saying the croissants are better than those at the Bucky's? They just might be... It sounds like you are all having an amazing, wonderfully fun and an enchanting time! I am so happy for you (all of you). Your journal brings me back to the memories I have. I am glad you are having such a great time. Let's see some pictures :)
    Jesse Scherba


Destination: Europe

Destination: Europe
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain